
Irate Airline Passenger Rips Wheels Off Suitcase

An airline passenger irate over a surprise luggage fee, literally rips the wheels off his luggage so the suitcase is the correct size and he won’t have to pay a 76-dollar fee, according to the New York Post.

The incident happened at the airport in Palma, Mallorca.

A man named Daniel was getting ready to board a short flight to the Spanish mainland when a Ryanair agent told him he owed an extra 76-dollars for his just-over-the-limit bag.

Daniel reportedly told the agent it cost him 30 Euros ten years ago buy the suitcase and he wasn’t going to pay the fee and it would cost more to check the suitcase than he spent on the flight.

The New York Post reports Daniel recruited his buddies to help him rip the wheels off the suitcase!

Two men are seen on video holding down the suitcase while the other pulled for dear life.

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