Women snapping up new concealed carry gun purses

Sales accelerating as gun talks continue

Rhonda Hight was at a gun show with her husband but she wasn’t looking for a gun, she was looking for a purse to carry one in.

"All they had was these little type, cheap bags that didn't have any design or anything like that," she told KRMG news.

That made Rhonda think about a way to start a business and fill a need all at the same time.

“I started giving them some feedback on what they don’t have,” she said.

After a little checking around she found a line of bags and began talking to them.

That led to more stylish bags and a new career for Rhonda, who is now called The Bag Lady of Tulsa.

Yes, Rhonda sells purses designed specifically for women to carry a gun in and sales are good.

“I’ve had really big success with them. I’ve sold quite a bit of them, especially with all the talk of the Second Amendment.”

Rhonda is actually located in Jenks, but people like Jan are not having a problem finding her or buying the product.

“I don’t know that I would carry as much if I didn’t have something like this, it’s just more comfortable,” she told us.

Jan said she likes the style and look of the bag but most of all, she loves the feeling.

“Any kind of gun you have is a little heavy so this makes it more convenient for me and of course I feel safer.”

Listen as Jan talks about her gun purse.

She has the bags in the pictures on the left and find out more about them by clicking here.