Coweta police 'surprised, not shocked' student got gun into school

15-year old committed suicide in a school bathroom

Parents want to know, students want to know and so do Coweta police.

How did 15 year old Triston Stephens manage to sneak a gun into school and use it to commit suicide Monday morning at the Coweta Intermediate High School.

“Anytime something like this happens, you’re shocked,” Coweta police Operations Commander Lt. Donnie Krumsiek said at a news conference on Monday. “It’s hard, it’s hard,” Krumsiek continued in a halting voice.

Krumsiek’s reaction when he asked if he was shocked that Stephens was able get a gun into school may distress parents was, “Surprised yes, shocked, no.”

“Our condolences go to the family, to the friends, to the students who knew this young man and we will try everything in our powers from the city of Coweta and the Coweta Police Department to attempt to try to prevent this from happening again.”

When Krumsiek was asked to elaborate he said, “We want to think in society that our kids are safe and we try everything we can to keep those kids safe.”

Coweta police have plenty of help in the investigation with the FBI, Wagoner County Sheriff’s office and United States Marshals as well.

Listen here as Krumsiek and Coweta Superintendent of Schools Jeff Holmes talk about the tragedy.

All in hopes of answering the question one parent asked KRMG news on Monday, "How did he bring the gun into school and what caused this."

Krumsiek says they will get to the answers.

“We are currently doing an investigation and that investigation will continue until we talk to everyone involved in the situation.”

Some parents were not happy with how quickly they were notified of the situation.

Many say their children were kept in class with no explanation for up to 45 minutes.

Krumsiek wanted parents to know there was a reason for the order of their actions.

“In order to try to control utter chaos we have to keep things locked down,” he explained.

“Our first priority is not calling parents. It’s to make sure the kids are safe and that all possible shooters or that anybody who is trying to cause harm in the school system is contained or apprehended.”