Tulsa Public Schools report a sharp decline in enrollment

School leaders say the ongoing pandemic was the main cause of the drop in students.

TULSA, Okla. — Enrollment in the Tulsa Public School district has taken a big hit in 2020.

At Monday night’s Board meeting, TPS leaders discussed the recent decline in enrollment, saying they’ve got about 3000 fewer students enrolled in 2020 than in the previous year.

The main cause of the decline in enrollment has been the ongoing COVID-10 pandemic.

School leaders say some parents have opted to send their kids to charter schools like Epic, or homeschooling, but the pandemic has made it more difficult to track exactly where those students are going because parents aren’t filling out forms in person.

They say they’re working on adding more curriculum and simplifying the enrollment process in order to try and increase enrollment numbers.

District leaders say the biggest drop is in students in their pre-k and kindergarten programs, and students in the Latin population.