Taco Bell customer orders tacos, gets shot with BB gun instead

He made a run for the parking lot

The customer ordered his food just after 4:00 a.m. and proceeded to the drive-thru. When no one came to the window, he decided to go inside.

“He banged on the window and yelled, but nobody would help him,” Springfield, Mass. Police Sgt. John Delaney said.

That’s when things got “Fourth Meal” weird.

The two began to push each other and began to fight. That’s when Noska grabbed a BB gun from his car and shot the man repeatedly.

When he found the door locked the hungry guy pounded on the door until Steven Noska came to open it.

Not satisfied with that, Noska then whacked the guy with the gun.

Police says several people recorded the brawl on their cell phones and provided the footage to authorities.

“When booked, he [Noska] had bite marks on his arm caused by the victim during the fight over ‘no tacos or burritos,’” Delaney chuckled.

Q13Fox reports Noska has been charged with assault and battery.

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