Survey reveals exercise and obesity are both rising in US

New York, NY — It may seem like a contradiction, but more adults in the U.S. say they are exercising at the same time more of them are becoming obese.

About 24 percent of adults last year said they exercise enough each week to meet government recommendations for both muscle strengthening and aerobic exercise, according to a large annual health survey.

That was up from 21 percent in 2015.

Another, more rigorous government study has also found adult obesity is inching up.

The same survey says 31 percent of adults indicated they were obese last year, up slightly.

So if more Americans are exercising, how can more also be getting fatter?

Some experts think the findings may reflect two sets of people — the haves and have-nots of physical fitness, so to speak.

“It’s possible the people becoming more active are already normal weight,” said John Jakicic, director of the University of Pittsburgh’s Physical Activity and Weight Management Research Center.