Some residents raise concerns over the return of Bell’s Amusement Park

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BROKEN ARROW, Okla. — Keith Deaver lives in in the Timberbrook Community, where Bell’s Amusement Park is being built.

Deaver told FOX23 that Bell’s is great for Broken Arrow, but, as the president of his neighborhood’s homeowner’s association, he’s heard many complaints about the upcoming project from neighbors.

One of the biggest concerns Deaver said he’s heard about is the potential for more traffic congestion in the area. Additionally, residents are worried about noise and light pollution in their quiet community.

“He’s going to have to submit an application to show us how the project will be developed thatll allow us to look at several things number one the traffic impact, storm water and other impact residents discussed,” Spurgeon said.

Broken Arrow City Manager Michael Spurgeon told FOX23 that the city hasn’t received any plans from the amusement park developers yet.

He also explained that once plans are submitted, he can look over them and make sure the project is in the best interest of the residents.

“Before its even something we’d promote im going to work very hard to address concerns and make sur ewe have a great project and make sure they have plans for security and everything else but i cant move forward until I have an application,” Spurgeon explained.

Developers for Bell’s Amusement Park have until 2022 to submit their plans to the City of Broken Arrow.