Police chief releases second profanity filled video blasting "libtards"

Videos are going viral

Police chief Mark Kessler is becoming somewhat of a YouTube sensation.

Kessler first posted a profanity laced video in early July tearing into gun control supporters with a vigor that has gone viral.

After some feedback and further thought Kessler posted another video.

Feedback has come from both sides of the issue and Gilberton, Pennsylvania Mayor Mary Lou Hannon says she has no plans to discipline Kessler.

This one begins with an apology and then switches to more  guns and some insults for those who didn’t like his first offering.

She says he made the videos on his own time and did it to show his support for gun rights.

WARNING: Due to the VERY graphic nature of some of the language included in this video, we have opted not to embed it here. If you would like to view it, click here. But be advised, the language is very graphic and NSFW.