Medical leaders urge families to prepare before storm chances

TULSA — The warm and windy weather could transition into storms by Wednesday.

FOX23 Chief Meteorologist James Aydelott says the storm chances pick up in the evening and overnight hours.

The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) encourages families to create a plan for both adults and children to follow.

“Public health preparedness is an important function in disaster response and recovery,” said Interim Commissioner of Health Tom Bates.

A family may not be together when a disaster strikes so it is important to plan.

OSDH also encourages families to have a basic, 72-hour emergency kit consisting of water, snacks, first-aid kit, flashlight, batteries, prescription medicine and important paperwork.

Those with babies should consider a three-day supply of formula, diapers, antibacterial wipes, non-perishable baby food and sealable plastic bags for soiled items.

OSDH and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offer the additional following tips for families preparing for disasters:

  • Practice your plan by quizzing your children periodically, and conduct fire and other emergency drills.
  • Check emergency supplies throughout the year to replace batteries, food and water as needed.
  • Plan alternate ways to charge communication and assistive technology devices if there is loss of power.
  • Plan for medication requiring refrigeration.