Largest fried hamburger festival

Outdoor festival season starts in Oklahoma

It's billed as the World's Largest Fried Onion Hamburger Festival held in El Reno, Oklahoma every year.

El Reno prides itself for having more fried onion restaurants in the town since 1926.

Yesterday, the streets of downtown El Reno were filled with people, music, exotic animals and the smell of fried onion and hamburgers in the air.

It takes the entire El Reno Fire and Rescue crew to work at cooking the burger - and the area is gated off to protect everyone.

A large crowd gathered to view the cooking of the big burger - at times weighing as much as 750 pounds.

There were burger eating contests for kids and adults, vendors in the street, and a classic car show spanning over 2 1/2 city blocks.

With beautiful clear skies, warm weather and no threat of storms, early May is the beginning of outdoor festivals and pow-wows in Oklahoma.

The annual Renaissance Faire in Muskogee opened yesterday and runs through the end of May.

Blue Dome Arts Festival and MayFest will be up and running May 16th through May 18th.