Southern residents calling for streets to be renamed

The Confederate flag debate continues

It’s happened before, a city renaming streets named after unfavorable historical figures.

Now, after the push to remove the Confederate flag from daily life in the south, some cities want their streets to get new names.

In Houston, residents want Dowling Street renamed, as it was named after Confederate hero Lt. Dick Dowling.

The same thing happened in Tulsa a few years back.

A historian there has started a petition to get the road renamed. He’ll have to get signatures from 75 percent of the property owners and get final approval from the city council.

Brady Street in downtown Tulsa was renamed M.B. Brady Street.

The original Brady Street was said to be named after Tate Brady, a man said to have a part in founding the city. But Tate was a known KKK member and was believed to play a role in the Tulsa race riot.

The street was renamed after Civil War photographer Mathew B. Brady.