School website gets hacked with Jihad message

An Oklahoma City school's website was recently hacked, by somebody claiming to do the work of Team System DZ.

FOX25 News reports the Crossings Christian School's site called on the "Islamic State to restore the rights of Muslims and purge the land."  Also, the hack mentioned Jihad and said, "I love ISIS."

A local tech expert tells FOX25 News, the hack was unsophisticated.

"It looks to me like some kids or some novice amateur hackers getting online and finding some way to bypass websites and just exploiting minor security flaws in order to have a little fun," said Kayvon Taghzideh of Quick Fix.

The hack has since been fixed and the school website is back up.

"Where the vulnerabilities are they have kind of identified those, we've already addressed that to a degree," said headmaster Paul MacDonald.

So far, no arrests have been made.