God Loves Gays billboards popping up around the US

Group followed anti-gay message on same site

The billboards are part of a nationwide fundraising effort to "show everyone that all humans are equal and loved by God."

Thegoodlordabove.com is behind the boards, saying it's "extremely important that this message of love is spread throughout the world."

The Metro Times reports the most-recent ad is in Dearborn Heights, Michigan and was placed on the same electronic billboard that formerly displayed a message from an anti-gay group called restrainthejudges.com. That billboard read, "Homosexuality is a behavior. Not a Civil Right." See the video on the left for more on reaction to that sign.

More here.

Other gay-friendly displays have been spotted in Orem and Salt Lake City Utah. The organization’s website has a donation button and says the goal is “purchasing space on billboards all over the United States of America.”