Flu season beginning to slow down in Oklahoma

The peak of the season has passed

It was a rough season in Oklahoma when it comes to people getting the flu.

More than 2,300 people were hospitalized with flu symptoms between September 28, 2014 and April 21, 2015.

It was also a record year in Oklahoma when it comes to flu deaths. This flu season, 108 Oklahomans died as a result of having the flu.

Now that the peak of flu season is behind us, things are slowing down.

Twenty-two of those deaths were in Tulsa County, the county with the most in the state.

“Most people, at this point, have gotten the flu and have a short period of immunity against getting it.” Dr. Nicole Schlaefli said.

The Tulsa Health Department still recommends the flu shot, especially if you plan to travel overseas.