Teachers converge at Oklahoma Capitol for more funding

Students showed up to voice their concerns

(OKLAHOMA CITY)  - Close to 50,000 teachers, parents and lawmakers were expected to show up for the second annual Oklahoma Education Rally. There is no official estimate yet on the number of attendees, but the crowd was definitely large.

Wearing T-shirts from their hometown schools, attendees wandered the halls of the Capitol and congregated outside legislators' offices to talk about the importance of more funding for schools.

The group, from across the state, also wants a teacher pay increase and a reduction in the number of state-mandated tests.

“Public education is the window of opportunity. I have only begun to fight,” said Hofmeister.

State Superintendent of Schools Joy Hofmeister spoke at this year’s event.

The former superintendent did not attend last year’s rally that was half the size.

Most legislators say they are strong supporters of public schools. However, finding extra money this year will be difficult with about $611 million less to spend than last year.

Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Sen. Clark Jolley says lawmakers intend to shield education from cuts as much as possible, but that will lead to bigger reductions for other state agencies.