Mercury putting on rare show Monday, parading across the sun

Cape Canaveral, Fla — Mercury is putting on a rare celestial show next week, parading across the sun in view of most of the world.

The entire 5 ½-hour event will be visible, weather permitting, in the eastern U.S. and Canada, and all Central and South America.

The rest of North America, Europe and Africa will catch part of the action.

Unlike its 2016 transit, Mercury will score a near bull’s-eye this time, passing practically dead center in front of our star.

Asia and Australia will miss out.

Mercury’s next transit isn’t until 2032, and North America won’t get another viewing opportunity until 2049. Earthlings get treated to just 13 or 14 Mercury transits a century.

You’ll need proper eye protection for Monday’s spectacle: Telescopes or binoculars with solar filters are recommended.

There’s no harm in pulling out the eclipse glasses from the total solar eclipse across the U.S. two years ago, but it would take “exceptional vision” to spot minuscule Mercury, said NASA solar astrophysicist Alex Young.