Your Twinkies will be back in three weeks

July 15th is target date

It’s been too long.

After Hostess went bankrupt in 2012 the tasty yellow cakes disappeared from shelves quickly but plans are to have them back on the shelf in July.

Fights with union workers caused the company to close its but Metropoulos & Company and Apollo Global Management bought the company and reorganized.

The company did admit there will be a few differences such as dark cocoa instead of milk chocolate in Cup Cakes.

The company says Twinkies and other snacks will not change in taste but they are terming this  "The Sweetest Comeback In The History Of Ever."

Other good news for sweets lovers comes from the announcement that the company intends to introduce new treats and textures.

For those watching their figure, they also promise some healthy products like gluten-free, higher fiber, lower sugar, and lower sodium.