Woman accused of having minor steal a purse

Sometimes...it's not always good to listen to your elders.

This was the case for one Tulsa girl on Friday.

Police say 38-year-old Lynn Smith is accused of getting a minor to steal a woman's purse Friday afternoon near Brookside.

The unnamed girl did get the purse, but both were caught a short time later when they returned to the scene.  Police say a cell phone was left behind, and they were seen by a witness who then pointed them out to officers.

After being arrested, Smith denied knowing anything about the robbery.

Police say the minor had a different story.  She told officers Smith made her rob the woman, while holding a large flashlight, so she would look intimidating.

The minor also told officers where they could find the purse, and the victim received her stuff back.

Smith is currently in the Tulsa County jail.  No word on what happened to the minor.