Website declares 2020 the year of the ‘burnout’

Covid-19 cited as main cause by survey respondents

A marijuana dispensary website called Verilife surveyed 2,000 people and found that 92 percent of respondents said that burnout had affected their everyday life in 2020.

Read the full report HERE.

The most common cause was Covid-19, followed closely by work and finances.

The site also looked at the most common burnout-related Google search terms in each state.

Further down the list were politics, the news, social media, civil unrest, and lack of socializing.

Here in Oklahoma, it was “nurse burnout prevention.”

80 percent of those surveyed said that burnout made it difficult to focus at work.

57 percent said burnout had even prompted them not to go to work.

You can find the full report from Verilife here.