Warm winter causes early insect problem

They are everywhere and they're early. Bugs are normally an issue in Oklahoma in the spring but the mild winter temperatures will give the little creepy crawlies a boost. I went to the City-County Health Department to visit with John Baker to get an idea of just how much. John is the manager of Environmental Services, that means he's the bug dude. When you call and ask for someone to come and spray for mosquitoes in your neighborhood, it's John who gets the call. I asked him how much difference the warmer winter had on bugs being early. ""Yes, a lot of bugs would have been affected by that cold weather: he commented."I don't think we've gotten cold enough to have that normal impact" he went on.

Find the extended interview with John here.

So that means that your average bugs will be out in force a lot earlier and when I stopped by Quik Trip I found evidence of that. George was out cleaning off his truck windshield "it's the middle of February and it's covered with stuff I don't normally see until June and July" he told me. Then George asked me if more bugs now would mean more mosquitoes this year as well. "I'm one of the big guys" he smiled. "They consider me a delicacy."