Tulsa retail needs addressed in new study

TULSA — Results of a new retail market study for Tulsa were released Wednesday.

The research, funded with the Vision Tulsa program, is the first step in efforts to develop and implement a new commercial revitalization strategy.

“One thing that does apply to several different districts is incubating new businesses, just as the Mother Road Market is doing now with restaurants, bakers and specialty foods,” said Michael Stumpf, principal owner of Placed Dynamics.

Tulsa leaders will now receive recommendations for multiple strategies throughout the 13 study areas.

“That same strategy could be applied to retail.”

Here are the key findings in the 243-page report:

  • Tulsa faces several challenges in the retail sector, namely decreased household spending, the effect of internet sales on local retail spending, and suburban retail development.
  • Tulsa has a surplus of vacant commercial property, primarily located in the outer edges of the City.
  • Tulsa's older neighborhoods have the potential to draw in visitors from suburban neighborhoods and increase the volume of sales within Tulsa, if they are leveraged as destination or catalytic retail centers.
  • Tulsa should pursue innovative parking infill strategies that encourage dense development.
  • Citizens of Tulsa desire more mixed use, dense, walkable shopping environments, similar to the Brookside, Cherry Street, and Kendal Whittier neighborhoods.