Tulsa homeowner startled by armed gunmen

"David" knows what it's like to confront someone who's trying to break into hour home.

He lives behind the Farm Shopping Center near 51st and Sheridan.

He says it happened to him Friday morning.  “About 8:56 this morning I was awakened by a knock on the door and my doorbell started going off.  I went to see who it was…it was two white males in a white Ford Taurus.”

The homeowner says at that point the two would be intruders ran down the driveway. “So I went outside to get the tag number and they pulled out what looked like was a Glock 17 and pointed it at me.”

He says he didn’t recognize them so retrieved his telephone.  “Then they started kicked my door in so I grabbed my sidearm and came out here and yelled at them.”

David says no shots were fired and the suspects took off.