TPD motorcycle patrols active, speeding will cost you

If you think a speeding ticket isn't a big deal, read on

A speeding ticket in Tulsa is no laughing matter, and motorcycle patrols have begun in earnest now that the weather is cooperating.

In Tulsa, a speeding ticket starts at $150 for speeds 1-10 miles per hour over the limit.

By the time you get to 16 miles per hour over the posted or unposted limit, you're looking at $200.

Aggravated speeding, more than 20 miles per hour over a posted or unposted limit, can net you a $500 fine and up to 10 days in jail.

Then, they get really serious.

Add wreckless driving, and you can tack another $100-500 fine and up to 90 days in jail.

Speeding in a school zone? Up to $500 and 30 days.

Pass a school bus and you could get a $500 fine and up to 90 days in jail.