This is the reason "A113" pops up in so many movies

Number in many Pixar movies

You’ll find A113 in Pixar movies like “Finding Nemo,” “Toy Story,” and “Up.”

It’s also made appearances in non Pixar movies such as “The Avengers,” and “Mission Impossible as well as TV shows like “The Simpsons."

The not so secret information on what the number is and why it shows up repeatedly has been on websites and message board for years but is now going mainstream.

From there the connection is simple. “It was the classroom for first-year graphic design and character animation, where many of the animators at Pixar and Disney, and several other studios, discovered and mastered their craft.”

On Imgur, TheGhostWhoHatesSpills writes, "A113 refers to a classroom number at the California Institute of Arts."

It’s not unusual for films to have images or numbers in not so obvious places.

Pixar Wiki points out a look at Indiana Jones float plane in Raiders of the Lost Ark and you'll find OB-CPO on the fuselage. That's said to be homage to Star Wars characters Obi Wan and C3PO.

Pictures of 3PO and R2D2 are also among the hieroglyphics in the Well of Souls scene.

Do you know of some neat "hidden" messages or images in other films? Leave them in the comments section below.

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