The face of poverty has a new home and it may be next to you

Study shows huge increase in suburban poor

The suburbs.

In the past urban areas were the hardest with rural spaces not far behind. But between 2000 and 2010 the amount of poverty in the suburbs grew by a whopping 64%.

That makes the burbs twice as high in numbers of the poor than inner cities.

The research came up with several reasons for the sudden money trouble in what used to be an area of picket fences and yard services.

The study comes from the Brookings Institute and was reported by the Miami Herald.

Trouble with the housing and foreclosure market led the way and the loss of manufacturing jobs and lower wage work contributed as well.

One charity group told the Los Angeles Times that for now, it can be hard to tell a neighborhood is struggling.

"Everything is nicely maintained. Things look good on the surface, but the need has just skyrocketed."