Ted Cruz rallies in Tulsa

Hundreds show up at Expo Square

Cruz returns to Tulsa for a third time before Super Tuesday telling a KRMG he thinks "the people of Oklahoma are fed up with the status quo in Washington."

Cruz says turnout will be the key on Tuesday and hammered the point he believes Donald Trump can't beat Hillary Clinton in a general election. The crowd began lining up priod to 11:00am leading organizers to open the doors to Central Park Hall nearly 45 minutes early.

Once inside, supporters told us they like Cruz for a variety of reasons. "He stood for me so I'll stand with him," one told me. When asked to explain further he continyued, "as Solicitor General in Texas he stood up for my 2nd amendment rights so I support him." Another told me Cruz "stands for my religious liberty," while another firmly insisted Cruz "will support and protect the constitution."

Cruz took the stage just after 1:20 and told the crowd, estimated at between 500-600 he would make good on promises to protect gun rights, reform immigration, and watch over religious rights.

Congressman Jim Bridenstine took the stage a few minutes ago and will come back in a few moments to introduce senator Cruz.