Teacher convicted of student's rape sentenced to 30 days in jail

Violation of plea agreement spurred jail time

Stacey Rambold was convicted of raping then 14-year-old Cherice Morales on several occasions in 2008.

At the time a judge ruled Morales was "older than her chronological age" and "was as much in control of the situation" as was Rambold.

When Morales committed suicide later it made prosecution more difficult and a deal was made with Rambold for a deferred prosecution agreement.

That meant jail for the former teacher but the length of the sentence stunned many in the courtroom.

But Rambold missed sex offender treatments and was found to have had unsupervised visits with minors, both violations of his deal.

Saying he had suffered enough through the loss of his career, marriage and reputation the judge gave Rambold 30 days in jail.

The Billings Gazette reports Morale's mother was in the room when the sentence came down and responded by yelling "you people suck!"

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