Suspect rams into deputy's car multiple times

An intoxicated man is accused of ramming a Tulsa deputys squad car twice Friday night.

The incident happened near Hwy 64 and Gilcrease.

Deputies say 50-year-old Robert Osburn was mad because he thought Deputy Paul Huss had run him off the road.  Huss informed Osburn how to fill out a report about what happened, but that wasn't good enough for the suspect.

As Huss tried to pull away, Osburn is accused of slamming into the squad car.  Deputies say as Huss exited his car, Osburn rammed the car again.

Huss then called for assistance and attempted to take Osburn into custody.  Deputies say the suspect refused to go quietly and pepper spray was used.

Osburn is currently in the Tulsa County Jail.