Spelling Bee runs out of words

The kids were just that good

Two contestants went at it for an incredible 66 rounds.

During that time, they went through all the words provided plus 20 more that officials dug up.

25 kids began the word battle in Jackson County, Missouri and after 19 rounds, only two were standing.

The Kansas City Star called the competition "legendary."

11-year-old Sophia Hoffman and 13-year-old Kush Sharma then began a spelling battle for the ages.

The students ran through words like "scherzo,” "fantoccini," and "intaglio" without a glitch, leaving the adults in command scratching their heads and without any words to use.

The AP reports the group considered using the dictionary as a source for random words but decided instead to resume the competition on March 8th.

The kids better be ready.

Organizers say they will be required to spell any random word pulled from the Merriam-Webster dictionary and its nearly 1,700 pages instead of the normal list of 300 words.

The winner will have the honor of winning what may have been the toughest competition in history and heading to the National Spelling Bee in May.

Moer here.