Secret Santa strikes again, making large donation to Salvation Army

While counting Red Kettle totals this week, Salvation Army officials discovered one silver and three gold coins in the kettles.

The initial Krugerrand, a South African gold coin, was found wrapped in a $2 bill last week in a kettle at Tulsa Promenade Mall.

Salvation Army officials say a second Krugerrand was dropped in the kettle at the Harvard Hobby Lobby this week.

A single U.S. silver coin was dropped in a kettle this week as well.

In addition to those gold coins, a U.S. gold coin wrapped in a $2 Silver Certificate was dropped in the kettle at Reasors on 71 st and Sheridan and a Canadian gold coin wrapped in a $100 bill was dropped in a kettle once again at Promenade Mall.

The five coins are valued at roughly $6,200 according to John Davis, owner of Tulsa Gold and Silver.

“We get excited when we find one gold coin but to have this bonus of several is really a blessing,” said Major James Taylor, Area Commander of the Salvation Army. “We have no idea if it is the same person or different people making these donations and our bell ringers can’t ever tell you who it was who put the money in because it’s usually wrapped in bills or notes.”