Satanic group returns communion wafer to Catholic Church

Ritual will still go on

(OKLAHOMA CITY) - A day after Archbishop Paul Coakley, of Oklahoma City, filed a lawsuit against satanic group Dakhma of Angra Mainyu, the consecrated host is returned.

A consecrated host is a wafer of bread that has been blessed and that Catholics believe is the body of Jesus.

Archbishop Coakley announced the wafer was returned by the group’s attorney Thursday afternoon.

In the lawsuit, that was dropped, Archbishop Coakley said only Catholic ministers, or people approved by their local bishop, can handle the consecrated host.

The satanic group also agreed to not use the consecrated host in a "black Mass" scheduled for next month at a civic center in Oklahoma City.

"Catholics believe Jesus Christ is truly present under the form of bread and wine in the Holy Eucharist and it is the source and summit of our faith," Coakley wrote in a statement.

The black Mass is scheduled for Sept. 21 at the Oklahoma City Civil Center Music Hall.

A separate satanic group is trying to build a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan at the Oklahoma state Capitol.