Runners bring ‘Boston to Tulsa’ for virtual Boston Marathon

Around 16 people ran the virtual Boston Marathon in Tulsa on Sunday.

They kicked off the race around 6 a.m. Sunday, a day before they originally planned on running the marathon.

This was organized by the group, Tulsa Runner, and Karl Ahlgren.

They even made special medals for qualifiers.

They said this was a certified course, that had its own version of Boston’s “Heartbreak Hill.”

The Boston Marathon canceled their race twice this year because of the coronavirus pandemic, and instead, asked people to run where they live while tracking their race times through an app.

Some qualifiers said, “we brought Boston to Tulsa,” and “made lemonade out of lemons.”

About 200 supporters cheered on the runners.

Some cyclists also rode around the course, to make sure the runners were safe.

All the runners finished in under five hours.