Oklahoma delegation weighs in on their best moments from the RNC

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The 2012 Republican National Convention is in the books and the Oklahoma delegation had a great time and got their business done. “Mission accomplished” Tulsa delegate Jerry Buchanan told KRMG news.  Buchanan said there was a moment in the convention when the enormity of what was happening set in. “There wasn’t a dry eye when the Star Spangled banner was sung” he began.  As a delegate to this convention you represent millions and millions of people in the Republican Party, the conservatives of this country and it’s such an honor to do that.”

Jerry ran down the high points and he began with Thursday’s surprise visit from Clint Eastwood. “Absolutely was hilarious it was a fun, fun event during the evening.” There was another speaker Jerry thoroughly enjoyed “not pulling any punches and not throwing any punches but the one who went after the administration and President Obama was Chris Christie.”

You can listen to the entire interview with Jerry here.

Jerry told us the biggest thing now is to carry forward the momentum and message from the week. That message is “Mitt Romney is a family guy, a down to earth guy who is very logical and he has an idea that he wants to put forward for this country.”

Buchanan also loved Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan but reminded us that our own Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin made some waves of her own when she spoke. “Her statement of that dog won’t hunt absolutely went through the convention over and over, it resonated.”  Fallin was talking about Obama’s statement about no one building anything without help from the government when she said “President Obama wants us to believe that Oklahomans owe that success to the federal government, to the Department of Energy, to the EPA, the IRS or maybe even to him." Fallin finished with “Mr. President, we know better, as we say in Oklahoma that dog won't hunt."

Buchanan said he’ll come home after a short trip to Orlando and begin the work of spreading the word even further here in Oklahoma.