New trash and recycling carts go out to Broken Arrow residents soon

City will begin distributing them next Monday

Broken Arrow’s new cart-based trash and curbside recycling program will be starting in just a matter of weeks.

The city will start dropping off the carts next Monday, including the blue recycling carts to people who chose to take part in that program.

Broken Arrow Recycling Outreach Coordinator Mackenzie Jones says that includes MOST of the city.

Trash and recycling pickup with the new carts will start on October 5th.

“We allowed people to opt in or out of the program, and we had a really great opt-in rate. Almost 90-percent of people want to at least try it,” Jones said.

Having city-issued carts for trash is new for Broken Arrow too.

An important reminder: trash pickup will be going from twice-a-week to once-a-week in Broken Arrow.

Tulsa made the same kind of change when it started its recycling program back in 2012.