New report lists $473 billion in federal waste

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator James Lankford, of Oklahoma, released his third annual report Monday on government waste.

Sen. Lankford’s report is entitled, Federal Fumbles: 100 ways the government dropped the ball.

The list reveals $473.6 billion in wasteful and inefficient federal spending.

“The outrageous federal deficit remains too high,” said Sen. Lankford.”

The current United States federal debt is $20.49 trillion.

“Unfortunately, Washington, DC seems to be distracted and the deficit has started increasing again.”

Find the entire report here and find examples of waste listed in 2017 Federal Fumbles Report:

  • Social Security for Chimpanzees (page 1) – Despite announcing in 2015 that NIH would cease funding all biomedical research conducted on chimpanzees, NIH provided $2.6 million in 2015-2016 to operate NCCC.
  • This is Weird, Right? – A $30,000 NEA grant supports the production of Doggie Hamlet. The adaptation does not include any actual lines from Hamlet, is conducted outdoors in a 30-by-50-foot field in New Hampshire, and is mostly humans yelling or running toward confused sheep and dogs.
  • You're Fired…Just Kidding!! – A 2014 Treasury IG investigation discovered from 2010 to 2013, the IRS hired 824 people who were previously terminated due to "prior conduct or performances issues. July 2017, the IG released a new report showed more previously terminated employees were rehired.
  • Senate Waiting Games – Many positions within the Administration remain unconfirmed. These delays mean federal agencies and departments lack the day-to-day leadership and management necessary to ensure federal funding is used wisely.
  • Welcome to Hotel Kabul  – OPIC loaned $85 million to construct a hotel and apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan.