New 'Influenza Rx Sorbet' claims to fight flu symptoms

Pint sells for $12

The flu outbreak is so bad this year that many sufferers are grabbing anything they can to feel better.

An ice cream company says they’ve figured out a way to help without the nasty taste of all of the other remedies.

Finally, there is something that sounds tasty to fight the flu, but you may actually feel nauseous when you hear the ingredients.

Jeni's Spendid Ice Cream uses cayenne pepper, ginger, Maker's Mark Bourbon, honey and cold- and flu-fighting orange and lemon juices.

The secret ingredient is what is used in cough drops.

The head of the company says, "It's proven to clear nasal passages, ease a sore throat and soothe the body. It's modeled on the home remedy my mother and grandmother made when anyone in the family was under the weather. Sniffles, aches and fevers meant one thing: A mug of hot whiskey with honey and lemon juice, then straight to bed."

KRMG hit the trails at Hunter Park to see if the sorbet is something Tulsans would try.

One man said, "I like cayenne peppers and lemons, but I don't care for bourbon that much."

A woman at the park was more adventurous.

"It would be interesting. I would probably take a taste. I don't know if I would buy a gallon of it for 22 bucks, but it might be something I'd try."

The sorbet company’s website says the treat is sold at the The Fresh Market on 81st and Yale.

KRMG went to check it out and didn’t find any, but stay tuned.

A pint sells for $12.