New Captain America is black, Marvel announces

Company says "it's about time"

The company says the role of Cap will be taken over by Sam Wilson, who has previously been the Falcon.

The original Captain America, Steve Rogers, is now 90 years old and Marvel says he’s wanted to find a replacement for years.

"It's about time," Marvel Executive Editor Tom Brevoort told the New York Daily News.

It’s been a big week for Marvel when it comes to hero announcements.

"In 2014, this should be a thing that we shrug off. It shouldn't be seen as revolutionary, but it still feels exciting."

On Monday, the comic giant surprised many when they revealed the new Thor would be a female.

Comics Aliance writer Andrew Wheeler suggests, "these changes suggest an agenda."

Wheeler continued, “I’d call it progressive agenda, but it’s not. Putting women and people of color in key positions isn’t progressive, it’s just evidence that superhero comics are slowly catching up to the present day."

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