Mayor presents budget featuring hiring freeze, budget cuts

Mayor will ask for increase in water, sewer rates

Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett presented his proposed budget for the 2013-14 fiscal year to the City Council during the Tuesday morning special meeting of the council.

The new budget projects only a three percent increase in sales tax revenues, meaning the city has what amounts to a flat budget going into the next fiscal year.

The budget does avoid any cuts to public safety including police and fire personnel, but doesn't provide for any additional positions.

Each non-sworn department was ordered to reduce its budget by 3 percent.

A hiring freeze will continue and no raises will be available for city workers.

Along with flagging sales tax revenues, the city will have to deal with some $3.1 million in federal grants for police and fire that are expiring.

One possible source of revenue: The mayor will ask for an increase in water and sewer rates.

The total general fund requested would be $267.1 million, a two percent reduction from FY 2013.