Man crosses US-Mexico border dressed as Osama bin Laden

A controversial investigative filmmaker has crossed the US-Mexico border dressed as Osama bin Laden as part of an effort to expose gaping holes in border security.

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video reminds viewers of recent statements by the president and Obama administration officials that the southern border is secure. O’Keefe then proceeds to Hudspeth County, Texas, to easily cross back and forth cross the Rio Grande wearing the costume of modern history’s most recognizable terrorist.

"I see no border patrol. I see no security," O'Keefe said in the video before donning a bin Laden mask. "Thousands of people have stood in my footsteps right now. They've come from South America, Honduras, Guatemala, and they've all crossed the border. And if they can cross, anybody can cross." (Daily Caller)

In September 2009, O'Keefe and his associate, Hannah Giles, published edited hidden camera recordings in which Giles posed as a prostitute and O'Keefe as her boyfriend, a law student, in an attempt to elicit damaging responses from employees of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), an advocacy organization for 40 years for persons of low and moderate income.[17] A Washington Post reporter wrote the activist "said he targeted ACORN for the same reasons that the political right does: its massive voter registration drives that turn out poor African Americans and Latinos to cast ballots against Republicans." (Wikipedia)

O'Keefe has made a name for himself for his undercover-camera exposés on topics ranging from ACORN scams, abortion clinic scams, etc..