Man arrested for DWI while having sex

Driving while intoxicated arrests are an all-too-frequent occurrence... but this one stands out.

A 25-year-old Albuquerque man faces a laundry-list of charges starting with DWI and evading police.

Albuquerque Police say Luis Briones was having sex with a woman while attempting to drive when he ran a red light and hit another car while drunk.

Police say a witness grabbed the keys from the ignition which kept Briones from driving away from the scene. Police found vodka in his vehicle.

That passenger happened to be naked when she was ejected from the car. She suffered cuts to her face and head.

Briones was wearing one shoe and inside-out shorts when he tried to hide in a nearby cactus. Once police got Briones into the back of a cop car, he refused to keep his pants on.

Read more in the Albuquerque Journal.