Long line at Tulsa SSA office on first day of government reopening

The line at the Social Security Administration office in Tulsa stretched out the door and into the parking lot the first day after lawmakers reached a deal to reopen the federal government.

One woman in line told KRMG the SSA voicemail system said yesterday the office had remained open.

For some though, Thursday was the first day they felt like it was worth their time to drive to the SSA building.

Asked about whether they expected Congress to manage to keep the lights on in 90 days when the current budget deal expires, no one expressed much optimism.

"We were just glad to find somebody with a key to open the door," one man said. "I've tried to stay as far away from government buildings as I can the last 17 days."

A woman said "I think it's going to be a repeat," adding "I think we need to be working together."

After a few minutes, a security guard came and ordered our reporter to leave the parking lot, though she didn't explain why, simply saying "you can't be here."

The reporter left without incident.