Lawmakers worry that U.S. electrical grid is vulnerable to attack

In the wake of devastating, mass power outages across the country, there are concerns the government isn't equipped to respond to a terror strike on America's electrical grid.

A report from the U.S. House Energy Committee says the country’s electric utilities aren't properly protected from a cyber attack or a terror strike.

Jim Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies says terrorists are working on it.

The U.S. Senate is considering new cyber security law, which requires electric and water utilities beef up their protections.

"Their capabilities are increasing,” Lewis said.  “At some point, we're going to see people who have a grudge get the capability to attack our infrastructure."

A vote is possible next month. blog reports that in hearings earlier this year, witnesses told lawmakers that there is no official data to say how many times the nation’s electrical grid has come under cyber-attack.