Judge says no to allowing GPS cell phone map usage

Fresno ruling angers man

If you’ve ever tried to look at, or even worse, fold a map while driving you know how tough it can be.

But GPS devices on your phone made maps a thing of the past, or so it seemed.

Steven Spriggs was doing just that and it got him pulled over.
Spriggs went to an appeals court in Fresno, California to argue that he should be allowed to use the GPS map function on his phone.

That code states:

But a judge disagreed saying “Because it is undisputed that appellant used his wireless telephone while holding it in his hand as he drove his vehicle, his conduct violated Vehicle Code section 23123, subdivision (a).”

A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless that telephone is specifically designed and configured to allow hands-free listening and talking, and is used in that manner while driving.

 See the entire ruling here.