Housing Solutions releases final 2023 Point-in-Time Count numbers for Tulsa

TULSA, Okla. — Wednesday morning, Housing Solutions Tulsa released its final Point-in-Time (PiT) Count numbers, which keep track of the city’s homeless population.

The 2023 PiT Count found that 1,133 people are experiencing homelessness in Tulsa. That’s a 6.6% increase in homelessness year-over-year.

Housing Solutions says 44% of the 1,133 people currently experiencing homelessness claimed a lack of affordable housing was a major cause for their homelessness.

“Tulsa County is experiencing its portion of a national increase in homelessness that affects every major city and metropolitan area,” said Becky Gligo, Housing Solutions executive director.

“PiT survey questions support findings in our recently released Tulsa Housing Study that point to one dominant factor: a lack of affordable housing.”

Of those surveyed, 10% were between the ages of 18 and 24, 10% were veterans, and 39% were unsheltered.

Of the same group, 14% are currently employed, 20.5% are tribal citizens, and 61% reported having a disabling condition.

The PiT count is conducted simultaneously across the county during the last week of each January.

Volunteers and A Way Home for Tulsa outreach professionals spread out across the county to conduct brief surveys, which are used to evaluate the needs of Tulsa’s homeless population.

The complete 2023 PiT Count report is available here on Housing Solutions’ website.