House passes bill to OK "Mount Reagan"

Senate not likely to consider the legislation

There are over 130 schools, numerous streets, and of course, a presidential library named after Ronald Reagan.

However, this would be the first mountain to honor the 40th President of the United States and conservative icon .

Nevada Republican Joe Heck came up with the idea of naming one of the peaks on Nevada's Frenchman Mountain for Reagan, and it was approved by the House Natural Resources Committee.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal says one big stumbling block is Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who isn't likely to bring it up for a vote in the Senate.

But "Mount Reagan," has a way to go before it’s a reality.

Democrats in the House pushed an additional name for the highest point on the mountain.

They wanted to honor former Nevada Lt. Gov. Maude Frazier, but that amendment was killed on a voice vote.

Nevada Democratic Representative Dina Titus promised to fight if Republicans continue the campaign.

“It’s a long time until the fat lady sings,” she said.

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