High meat consumption raises cancer risk 75% for one age group

Animal proteins singled out as worst offender

The statistics for people between the ages of 50-65 are staggering.

Higher consumption of animal protein meant a 75% higher chance of death from cancer with death from “any cause” 50% greater than those on a low-protein diet in the same age group.

Many of those deaths were blamed on cancer, but other causes were studied as well.

Scientific American reports the other side of the study as to do with those over the age of 65. That group had a lower chance to dying from cancer if they eat more animal protein.

The research was in-depth, looking at 6,000 people over 18 years.

For the older group, the protein tended to help keep up their muscle mass and weight, allowing them to remain more vital.

"Your stage in life matters," Valter Longo told the Los Angeles Times.

Longo is the lead researcher on the project, he says, “some have said for years that proteins are bad. That’s half right and half wrong."

LiveScience says cancer is spurred because of a growth hormone that's set off by eating large amounts of meat.

The work points out protein is still important for middle-aged, but they stress plant based proteins are safer and will extend life.

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