Hefty fine for blowing grass clippings into the street

The rule applies to residents and city employees

Not only is it a bit unsightly when people mow their yards and blow the clippings into the street, but it's also against the rules.

The City of Tulsa tells KRMG if you’re caught doing it, you could get in trouble with the city, but you do get one warning.

“We’ll let them know in writing that that’s a violation and the next offense could result in a monetary fine.” A city worker told KRMG.

People who see it happening are encouraged to call the City of Tulsa Customer Care Line at 918-596-2100.

After a listener told KRMG they saw someone doing that very thing on a busy Tulsa street, we asked the city more about the rule. They city said it applies to residents, city employees and contractors all the same.