Good Samaritan uses concealed carry weapon to save mother of two

Robbers were dragging her through parking lot

The mom and her two kids were walking through a parking lot when then bad guys hit.

“This lady opens her car door, grabs the woman’s purse and they reverse,” Brenda Vasquez began.

Vasquez, who manages a Dollar general store in the area told KHOU "the lady is holding on to her purse still, chasing them all the way to the middle."

A man nearby saw what was happening, grabbed his concealed weapon and rushed to help.

The woman didn’t have to hang on for long before the cavalry arrived.

“That good Samaritan came out, drew his weapon and scared them. And that’s when he pulled them out of the car,” Vasquez continued.

The unnamed man made the pair lay down in the parking lot until police arrived and arrested them.

“The guy is something else,” Vasquez marveled. “He’s a hero.”

Houston police were thankful for the help but warned anyone in a similar situation to be careful.

“The citizen did what he thought was right at the time,” a spokesman said.

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