Good Samaritan killed trying to help woman

Man shot twice by three others

A woman in a bar was being bounced around by three thugs.

The men were forcing her to dance with them and it looked like it may go further than that.

So Jesus Solis decided to step in and try to stop the bullying.

As a fight began between Jesus and the others one man went to his car and brought back a gun.

It cost him his life.

The man first shot Solis in the leg but as he tried to limp away he was shot again.

The second bullet was deadly, killing Jesus.

Police told the Houston Chronicle it appears the men were looking for a fight from the beginning.

"The individuals entered the bar close to closing time, immediately began to confront bar patrons that were already inside.”

Cops are looking for the shooter and his friends and they believe they knew the victim.

More here.