Gay Superman show axed at Universal Studios

Clark gay, maybe, but not the Man of Steel

The show was called Bill & Ted Halloween Horror Nights. In it, the main characters sprinkle the Man of Steel with “pixie” dust.

At that point when Superman came out of the phone booth, he was really "coming out."

From there, it gets weird.

The studio says the show was meant to be funny but not everyone shares that opinion.

After the transformation Superman proceeds to flamboyantly burst his way through what was described as a series of gay stereotypes.

Comic book fans didn’t take lightly to Clark Kent’s alter ego suddenly picking window treatments and other groups called the show “anti-gay.”

Seems this one was a lose-lose from the very beginning.

Universal released the following statement.

"After thoughtful consideration, Universal Studios Hollywood has made the decision to discontinue production of the Halloween Horror Nights' 'Bill & Ted' show for the remainder of its limited run.

The studio also said they would look more closely into future “Bill and Ted’s shows to make sure they are acceptable to a majority of their audiences.

More here.